Saturday, July 20, 2019

Co-Teaching ASL

Hi Everybody,

I was going through the Provincial Instructor Diploma classmates' blogs and came across Kevin Tay's "Two teachers is better than one" post.  This blog post was a reflection on a skype conversation he with his assignment partner on trends in Adult Education - hence the title of the post. While his post was not related to co-teaching, it sparked an interest in me to read up on co-reaching.  There are definitely benefits to the students. In my dream world there would be unlimited funding to hire two teachers for every ASL class so students can see authentic Deaf people conversing and interacting. But this actually could still be possible without extra expenditure - I have an couple ideas.

Let's say I'm teaching Level 1 and an colleague is teaching Level 2 at the same location at the same time - it would be terrific for us to occasionally switch classes so the students are exposed to two different Deaf teachers each with our unique perspectives, experiences, and signing styles.

Also, the two classes could be combined once a while for an activity or station work, giving Level 1 and Level 2 students the opportunity to interact with each other and both teachers.

This link has 5 models of Co-Teaching

Hand waves, Adrian

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