Thursday, December 20, 2007

ASL Vlogs about sport news?

Im going to watch hockey game tonight -Toronto vs Tampa.. and I started wondering why there aren't more ASL Vlogs that discuss sports?


davidcowan said...

Hey Adrian ! Saw your blogger for the first time today at Tried to find way to contact you. We met in person several years ago. I'm David. Check my new blogger at Hope to hear from you soon, buddy !

Test said...

I'm guessing its because sports are so visual anyway, and there are lots of sports sites with written commentary, statistics and sports scores already.

No one really needs to hear what John Madden has to say.....

Anonymous said...

Yep.. then that makes me wonder what it is like listening to sports shows on radio! How do people visualize the game that way..

Test said...

I can't listen to football or baseball on the radio - just can't follow it. It's easier for me to use espn's mobile site for keeping up.