Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fun Fingerspelling Backwards!

Thanks you elders of the Deaf Community the fun hertiage of fingerspelling backwards! There are ways to make it more challenging; doing longer words, doing it while walking backwards, doing it in lexicialized signing style instead of letter by letter.


Will said...

Awesome vlog fingerspelling backwards!

Also, hilarious vlog about are funny twins!

DeafRoger said...

I really liked this VLOG alot!
Especially the part about lexicialized signing style backwards.. SO COOL!!!

John Lestina --- said...

Response to Adrian: CLICK HERE

Unknown said...

*blinks* Roger and now you?!?! But seems you have been vlogging for a bit now.

Good to see you! And funny you mentioned fingerspelling backward. I was talking with a hearie friend and teased about how ASL is superior since hearies cannot speak backward while I can sign backward then I demostrated ;)

Beaux Arts de Boutjean said...

Far out! WoW! Something that
hearing people cannot pronounce words backwardly, can they? You prove how right George Veditz was when he called ASL God's noblest gift for the Deaf people!

dav.e said...

!elyst hcus htiw meht yas t'nac ylniatrec ew dna ,yllaer sdrawkcab sdrow ruo yas t'nac gniraeh ew .golv dekciw

Andrea Shettle, MSW said...

1. Oh no! You stole my idea! :-) I first taught myself to fingerspell the entire alphabet backwards years ago when I was 11 years old (took me about half an hour to get reasonably fluent in it). Then soon after that, for added challenge, I taught myself to fingerspell the alphabet backwards on one hand while SIMULTANEOUSLY fingerspelling the alphabet forward with the OTHER hand! I've done this in front of hearing audiences a couple of times for laughs: for this, I generally have one interpreter assigned to each hand (though that request usually mystifies them at first! Then I start the alphabet and they go, errr! I usually assign the stronger interpreter to my "backwards" hand for this).

I get rusty if I don't practice this. And I usually don't think to for months or years at a stretch. But if I think of it again then a few runs through the simultaneous backwards/forward alphabet gets me up to speed again (though probably with a few sloppy errors along the way--I would be leery of being videoed because then people could pick apart my fingerspelling and catch my mistakes!)

2. Davedave, shouldn't "elyst" be spelled "elyts" ? :-)

--Andrea (The ADA Restoration Act and other topics) (Deaf/Disability, poverty, human rights, and other international development topics in developing countries)

ThatDeafio said...

What about facial expression (NMS)? gotta do backward too!

Do this exceptionally well, just use any good video editing tool and make it run backward then you are PRO. :)

dav.e said...

andrea- whether it should be elyts is a matter of what i meant to say.... style=elyts, but maybe i wanted to say tsyle=elyst...

or maybe i just got confused and screwed up. too bad it had to be the first/last word though that everyone reads!

Anonymous said...

Nairda si doog!

Little New Yorker said...

Good! Your talent is amazing to me.. I wondered if you are one of the important people of the ASL...

I tried to find your contact on your blog but it is not shown...

How can I contact you for any purpose like interview or story movie?

Reply me back by leonlim26 at hotmail dot com

Thank you in advance for your blogs/vlogs that are worth to watch!

Jon Savage said...

:eno siht yrt

Anonymous said...

I agree. Super cool vlog. You're super cute, too. :)